IFAD's institutional efficiency and efficiency of IFAD-funded operations

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The corporate-level evaluation on IFAD?s efficiency (CLEE) responds to the growing interest in the organization?s efficiency in the wake of the 2008 global economic and financial crisis, and the ensuing budget constraints affecting many IFAD member states. This is the first evaluation of its kind carried out in multilateral and bilateral development organizations and it may well be among the most complex and far-reaching type of evaluation ever conducted by IOE.

 The evaluation has a number of important findings and recommendations that merit close attention. The overarching recommendation is that IFAD  "Raise the bar for IFAD's own performance as a partner to promote scaled-up  impact of IFAD-supported operations." This recommendation is grounded in the rationale that for IFAD to make a significant impact, it must leverage its resources manyfold by attracting partner resources on a very large scale to replicate and scale up pioneering, innovative IFAD-funded operations and activities. This requires that IFAD become the center of excellence in its niche by raising the bar on its own performance. It compels IFAD to aspire to the threshold of "satisfactory or better" performance as against the current practice of "moderately satisfactory or better". That is the first step toward excellence in all aspects of operations, and toward developing IFAD-supported projects and country programmes that can lead to the desired levels of scaled-up impact.

Document Details


  • Laura Olsen


  • UNEG Members' Publications


  • Aug 2013


  • 2863


  • Articles and papers