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Document Library

194 listed

UNEG Guidance on the Integration of Humanitarian Principles in the Evaluation of Humanitarian Action

Aug 2024

This guide has been written to provide practical guidance and tools to evaluators and evaluation managers, to integrate humanitarian principles (HPs) into standard evaluations of humanitarian action, and thus to strengthen the attention paid to HPs in evaluations ...

Tag: Guidance

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UNEG Programme of Work 2020-2021

Apr 2021

This work programme was prepared following the June 2020 AGM, initially for the period June 2020-June 2021. However, at the 2020 AGM it was agreed that future AGMs would be held in January. As such, this work plan was extended for the full calendar year 2021. Repo...

Tag: Programme of Work

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UNESCWA Evaluation Policy

Feb 2024

This policy governs evaluation at the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), institutionalizes the evaluation function and ensures that evaluations conform to internationally accepted principles. Furthermore, the policy defines evaluation, explai...

Tag: Capacity development Evaluation function Harmonisation

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UNFPA Evaluation Policy 2024

Feb 2024

The UNFPA evaluation policy is the result of extensive consultations with key stakeholders. The policy outlines evaluation principles and procedures; sets out roles and responsibilities; describes contributions to system-wide, inter-agency and joint evaluations an...

Tag: Evaluation function Policy Professionalisation

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Compendium of Evaluation Methods Reviewed – Volume II

Jan 2024

Strengthening the professional capacity of UN evaluators to design and manage evaluations is a central objective of the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) Strategy for 2020 – 2024 as UNEG aims to support the professionalization and capacities of its memb...

Tag: Approaches and Methods

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UNEG Guidelines for Professional Peer Reviews

Nov 2023

These Guidelines have been prepared by the UNEG Peer Review Working Group and are intended to facilitate the preparation, conduct and use of future UNEG Peer Reviews and other modalities for the assessment of UN evaluation functions.

The Guidelines, orig...

Tag: Peer Reviews

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UNIDO Evaluation Manual

Oct 2023

This manual is aimed primarily at UNIDO staff and consultants involved directly in evaluations and at UNIDO’s management and their teams. By consulting the manual, UNIDO management will obtain a better understanding of their roles and responsibilities in car...

Tag: Approaches and Methods Capacity development Evaluation function Policy

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UNEG Programme of Work 2023

Sep 2023

The UNEG Work Plan 2023 has been developed around our three Strategic Objectives: 

  • SO1: Develop and safeguard professional norms, standards and guidance
  • SO2: Enhance professionalization and capacity 
  • SO3: Infl...

    Tag: Capacity development Evaluation function Evaluation Practice Exchange Harmonisation Human Rights Peer Reviews Professionalisation Programme of Work

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Independent Peer Review of UNFPA's Evaluation Function

Aug 2023

The Peer Review was undertaken following a request from the Director of the Evaluation Office. The review process began in January and was completed in June 2023.

The peer review report and its Capacity development Evaluation function Norms and Standards Peer Reviews Professionalisation

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Evaluating Policy Influence Stocktaking Report

Feb 2023

The UNEG Evaluating Policy Influence Stocktaking Report was prepared by the UNEG Working Group on Evaluating Policy Influence. Its purpose is to:

  • Take stock of different definitions/understandings of policy support and types of policy influence i...

    Tag: Approaches and Methods

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UNEG Peer Review of the Evaluation Function of UNICEF

May 2023

In common with all United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) Peer Reviews, this report aims to identify existing good practices and to further strengthen the UNICEF evaluation function. The approach reflects Peer Reviews

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Policy for Evaluation in UNHCR

May 2023

This policy reaffirms UNHCR's commitment to evaluation and its crucial role in fostering evidence-based learning and accountability to the populations we serve.

The new policy seeks to address both evaluation supply and demand, ensuring transparent a...

Tag: Evaluation function

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Self-Assessment Maturity Matrix for UN Evaluation Functions

Dec 2022

Building on earlier normative frameworks for UN evaluation functions developed by the UN Joint Inspection Unit and Office for Internal Oversight Services, the matrix provides a normative framework for Peer Reviews against the UNEG Norms & Standards for Evaluat...

Tag: Approaches and Methods Assessment Evaluation function Norms and Standards Peer Reviews

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UNEG Maturity Matrix Checklist

Nov 2022

This checklist is the standalone Annex in the UNEG Self-Assessment Maturity Matrix for UN Evaluation Functions (November 2022).

Building on earlier normative frameworks for UN evaluation functions developed by the UN Joint Inspection Unit and Office for ...

Tag: Approaches and Methods Evaluation function Norms and Standards Peer Reviews

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UNEG Programme of Work 2022

Jun 2022

The UNEG Work Plan 2022 has been developed around our three Strategic Objectives: 

  • SO1: Develop and safeguard professional norms, standards and guidance
  • SO2: Enhance professionalization and capacity 
  • SO3: Influence...

    Tag: Programme of Work

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UN-DESA Evaluation Policy (2022)

May 2022

This Evaluation Policy was initially endorsed in July 2012 as an important step towards enhancing UN DESA’s evaluation function and ensure its utility, credibility and independence and alignment with United Nations Evaluation Group’s (UNEG) N...

Tag: Policy

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Stocktaking Study on the Utility of Peer Review

May 2022

One of the primary aims of the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) is to strengthen evaluation capacity within the United Nations system and peer reviews are one of UNEG’s flagship initiatives to achieving this aim. 

The peer review mechani...

Tag: Peer Reviews

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United Nations contributions to national evaluation capacity development and the evolution of national evaluation systems

Apr 2022

In 2021, the UNEG working group on NECD undertook a review of the progress on the implementation of the Resolution and identified areas for improvement. The review built on the development of a shared definition and theory of change for NECD, and included six case...

Tag: Capacity development Decentralised Evaluation

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UNEG Principles of Working Together (2022)

Apr 2022

The UNEG Principles of Working Together (PWT) define the principles by which UNEG functions in terms of membership, governance, ways of working and funding. It is a living document, updated in consultation with UNEG members when required.

This version re...

Tag: Professionalisation

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Guidance on Integrating Disability Inclusion in Evaluations and Reporting on the UNDIS Entity Accountability Framework Evaluation Indicator

Mar 2022

The United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy (UNDIS) provides the foundation for sustainable and transformative progress on disability inclusion through all pillars of the work of the United Nations. The Strategy consists of a system-wide policy and an account...

Tag: Approaches and Methods Gender Equality Guidance Human Rights

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