Evaluation Practice Exchange and Professional Development Seminar Report 2018

UNEG EPE 2018 Final Report.pdf (4099 KB / English)


This report, prepared by the EPE Committee, encompasses the discussions and outcomes from the UNEG EPE 2018.

The 2018 Evaluation week took place in Rome, Italy, between 7th and 11th May and was organized with the support of the Rome-based UNEG member organizations: FAO, IFAD and WFP. An EPE Committee was created in September 2017, to lead the preparation and organization of the event. The EPE Committee was coordinated by FAO and included one representative from IFAD and WFP.

The UNEG week comprised a one day Professional Development Seminar, two days Evaluation Practice Exchange and two days Annual General Meeting.

Document Details


  • UNEG EPE Committee


  • UNEG Event Document


  • Jul 2018


  • 2736


  • Approaches and Methods Capacity development Evaluation Practice Exchange Professionalisation UNEG Secretariat