Formative Evaluation of Early Stimulation and Care


Evaluation Objectives: The objectives of the evaluation are associate with three themes: 1) UNICEF’s Global Leadership - to assess the relevance and impact of UNICEF’s global leadership in early childhood development; 2) Systems Strengthening – to analyze UNICEF’s contributions to and effectiveness in strengthening national capacity and systems to implement and scale early stimulation and care programs and services; and 3) Program Delivery and Quality – to assess the impact of UNICEF’s direct support for vulnerable children, parents and caregivers participating in early stimulation and care programs in low-resource and emergency settings. Evaluation Scope: The evaluation focuses on the early moments of life - from conception to age of entry into primary school (0-72 months, or 0-5 years). The evaluation will assess UNICEF’s leadership, support, roles and contributions to strengthening systems for ECD and early stimulation and care programs and services on a global, regional and country level. UNICEF’s contributions to parent and caregiver outcomes and child development impacts will be assessed on a country level through selected programs representing both development and humanitarian contexts. The evaluation is both retrospective and prospective (forward looking), examining the period from 2014 through 2021. It includes countries in all contexts and situations where UNICEF is implementing strategies to strengthen ECD systems and services, including development, humanitarian and peacebuilding programming in early stimulation and care. Audience: The internal users of the evaluation include UNICEF’s Senior Management at global, regional and country levels, as well as UNICEF Programme Managers and Specialists working on early childhood development programming. External UNICEF partners (such as national governments and NGOs) will also benefit from the results of the evaluation to inform their policies and programmes for young children and families.

Report Details


  • United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

Report Type

  • Project/Programme


Completed Date

  • Jun 2021

Consultant Name

Agency Focal Person

Agency Focal Person Email


  • 892

URL Views:

  • 13

Joint Evaluation

  • N/A

Pooled Funding Evaluation

  • N/A


  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-Being