Vacancy Announcement Details

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Analyst (Helsinki, PSA)

03 Jul 2024


The role of the Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEL) Analyst contributes to i) UNU-WIDER’s monitoring, evaluation, and learning capabilities and ii) UNU-WIDER’s broader transformation to a more performance, results, and impact-driven organization. This role seeks to develop and refine UNU-WIDER’s Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Framework, support project teams to integrate MEL across their work, and further develop existing and new processes and tools to regularly report on and learn from UNU-WIDER’s results and impacts. Strategically, the role will help ensure that UNU-WIDER remains focused on impact, learning, and continuous improvement, while strengthening the systematisation of project management.

Working under the supervision of the Head of Partnership & Programme Unit, the Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEL) Analyst will execute the following duties:
1. Provide substantive support to the strategic direction of UNU-WIDER

  • Provide substantive support to the monitoring and further refinement of UNU-WIDER’s Theory of Change (ToC), in close collaboration with UNU-WIDER management, and the institutionalization of the ToC across the entire Institute.
  • Lead on the development and further refinement of Results Frameworks and Key Performance Indicators in line with the ToC.
  • Provide substantive input to large earmarked funded programme/project proposals, in particular on results frameworks, and Theory of Change approaches.

2. Provide substantive support to the institutionalization of monitoring, evaluation, and learning activities across UNU-WIDER

  • Lead on the implementation of UNU-WIDER’s Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Strategy and its further development and refinement in collaboration with internal stakeholders.
  • Keep abreast with latest developments and innovations around international best practices in research uptake and policy impact measurements with a focus on their application on UNU-WIDER’s work programme.
  • Provide quality assurance on MEL activities, support the implementation of the MEL Strategy and promote consistency and effectiveness in MEL reporting across UNU-WIDER and all project teams.
  • Provide expertise into the further development of MEL systems, tools, processes, and databases to facilitate harmonisation and consistency of quantitative MEL data and provide support in clarifying and improving workflows around these systems and databases.
  • Advise the project teams in all stages of MEL and support them in implementing established and newly developed MEL processes, tools, and methodologies.
  • Lead on after action reviews, consistently collecting feedback across UNU-WIDER’s activities, and other institutional learning opportunities.
  • Develop training material and train internal stakeholders in the application and implementation of MEL methodologies and workflows.
  • Supports institutional planning and development processes based on the priorities set by the UNU-WIDER management team.

3. Provide substantive support to institutional reporting around key metrics and impact

  • Draft UNU-WIDER’s annual reports to its key stakeholders, including institutional funders and the Institute’s Advisory Board, and provide key institutional metrics and reporting to external parties, including UNU Headquarters.
  • Work closely with the UNU-WIDER management team in identifying emerging outcomes/impact across UNU-WIDER’s programme portfolio.
  • Provide methodological inputs and guidance to project teams on documenting and reporting of results and outcomes.
  • Support the collection of research uptake evidence and outcome/impact stories stemming from UNU-WIDER activities and engagements and draft those outcome/impact stories in close collaboration with the project teams for internal and external audiences.
  • Provide regular analysis and tracking of key institutional metrics to the UNU-WIDER management team and feed such information to various institutional reports.
  • Collaborate with the Institute’s Knowledge Mobilization Unit (KMU) on the public presentation of key institutional metrics (e.g. dashboards, infographics) and outcome/impact stories.
  • Identifies problems and issues to be addressed around key institutional metrics and recommends corrective actions to the Head of Partnerships & Programme Unit and UNU-WIDER management team more broadly where relevant.

4. Provide substantive support to systematisation of project management within UNU-WIDER and the development and utilization of related project management systems

  • Support the refinement of UNU-WIDER project management systems by coordinating related initiatives among internal stakeholders with a view of systematizing project monitoring and impact tracking across the Institute’s projects.
  • Support systematization of knowledge transfers and information sharing between different UNU-WIDER units and teams around project activities with a view of strengthening institutional planning.

5. Perform other duties as assigned by the supervisor 

Full details available on the UNU website. Deadline for applications 11 August.