Vacancy Announcement Details

Principal Evaluation Specialist

18 Jul 2024


The Principal Evaluation Specialist will be responsible for the Evaluation Office’s contribution to the evaluation of activities financed from regular and extrabudgetary sources. 


In particular, the incumbent will: 

  • Manage highly complex and politically sensitive in-depth evaluations at programmatic, organizational and strategic level whilst ensuring evaluations are carried out in an impartial, objective and credible manner following UN standards and rules, UNEG Norms and Standards and the UNESCO Evaluation Policy. 
  • Promote an evaluation practice that integrates human rights, environmental and gender responsive approaches as well as innovative approaches which support the utilisation of evaluation results;
  • Contribute to the evaluation capacity building efforts with internal and external stakeholders, including online and in-person delivery of different types of capacity development efforts in Field Offices and at HQ.
  • Be responsible for oversight of implementation of evaluation recommendations and appropriate integration of lessons learned in programme activities of the Organization;
  • Be responsible for providing advice and backstopping to decentralized evaluations in a portfolio of UNESCO Field Offices (FOs); 
  • Directly manage one Regional Evaluation Associate posted in a UNESCO Regional Office; 
  • Be responsible for communicating evaluation findings and recommendations in the most adequate format and via the most adequate channels to the different audiences, including intergovernmental bodies. 
  • Support communication with internal and external stakeholders, including the development of a wide range of dedicated communication products related to the work of the IOS Evaluation Office.  
  • Contribute to the elaboration of performance indicators and measures during the preparation of its major planning and programming documents, and subsequent reporting.
  • Contribute to continuous methodological improvements and the development of evaluation guidelines and procedures;  
  • Be responsible for the design and update of training modules/guidance material;  
  • Contribute to the improvement and management of the Organizations's knowledge repository of evaluation of regular and extrabudgetary activities.
  • Participate in the recruitment of staff, consultants, interns, etc. and manage the supervision to junior staff of the Section.

Full details available on the UNESCO website. Application deadline 16 August.