Vacancy Announcement Details

Request for Expressions of Interest (EoI) Development of e-learning modules for the Evaluation Policy of the Adaptation Fund

19 Jul 2024


Request for Expressions of Interest (e-learning) Rev.1.pdf

Since the new evaluation policy came into force, the Adaptation Fund has organized several capacity-building events to
introduce its implementing entities to the policy and prepare them for its application. The AFB Secretariat and AF-TERG have
also provided tailored support to implementing entities to address specific policy-related concerns. In addition to these
existing efforts, it is important to provide systematic capacity building and training under the policy. Therefore, the
Adaptation Fund would like to seek the support of a qualified vendor for the development of video training modules in line
with the Evaluation Policy and the existing guidance notes.

Scope of Work:

The following elements are required as part of this consultancy:

Project Management

  • Participate in an initial kick-off meeting to meet with the AF-TERG and its Secretariat to discuss the assignment validate critical objectives, and to develop a project plan to guide the project through completion.
  • Identify a single point of contact for the assignment and establish a mechanism for reporting and monitoring to allow for continuous oversight of the assignment.

Content Design and Development

  • Work with the AF-TERG to identify and gather relevant content and to instructionally design the content into storyboards to meet the agreed learning requirements. Where possible, we have found that providing learners with periodic opportunities to reflect on the learning material and to either apply or observe the principles in action (through case study, for example) improve retention and understanding. Participants also should be guided to ongoing resources that may be useful beyond the immediate learning experience.
  • Based on conversations with the AF-TERG project team around branding, color schemes and any need to match existing AF-TERG materials, the developer should present three (3) distinct user interface designs for the module. Each should demonstrate an example of a welcome/main navigation screen and one or two examples of how content (sample content is fine) would be presented to a participant. These designs should include color pallets, header and footer sections, navigational and menu buttons, and branding. The AF-TERG team will work with the vendor to refine the designs and select a final interface.
  • To validate the selected design, the developer and AF-TERG will agree on a representative 20-25% of a module’s content to be developed into a functional prototype. This step intends to validate both the interface and instructional design approaches. This will ensure that the product(s) will have:
    • An overall design plan and architecture.
    • A consistent look and feel.
    • A common and apparent navigation strategy.
    • Activity-related scenarios, critical incident cases, and interactive exercises.
    • Required visuals – flow charts/decision trees/sketches/interactive image maps, etc.
    • A creative use of vector and pixel-based images to amplify or supplement the learning content, and which reflect the AF-TERG’s cultural diversity.
    • Additional reading resources and links as required by the AF-TERG. 

Full details available in the TOR. Deadline for applications 29 July.