Vacancy Announcement Details

International Consultancy - Regional Evaluation Consultant

15 Oct 2024

UN Women

The UN Women Independent Evaluation Service (IES) of the Independent Evaluation and Audit Service (IEAS) evaluates the work of UN women to enhance organizational accountability, provide evidence-based information for decision-making and to contribute to learning on gender equality and the empowerment of women. IES posts Regional Evaluation Specialists in the Regional Offices of UN Women with a key task to lead independent country portfolio evaluations and regional evaluations and to support country office personnel with the management of decentralized evaluations. During the regional Strategic Note cycle of 2022-2025, the RES is leading several Country Portfolio Evaluations and regional evaluations, as well as supporting quality assurance of other decentralized evaluations. In this context, UN Women is seeking to hire a consultant to support the Regional Evaluation Specialist in analyzing data and evaluations generated in the framework of programs and country portfolios in Latin America and the Caribbean. 

This consultancy's main objective is to support the management of evaluations. The Evaluation Consultant is an integral member of the team and is expected to support the evaluation management, conduct and will need to connect with the team during Latin America and Caribbean working hours via online platforms. Under the overall oversight of the Regional Evaluation Specialist, the consultant will contribute to the following: 

  • Overall evaluation task management ensuring deadlines are adhered to 
  • Planning stage: 
    • Collecting, organizing and reviewing all relevant documents (i.e. Strategic notes, project documents, donor and/or other monitoring reports, evaluation and audit reports, etc.). 
    • The portfolio analysis aims to provide an overview of the different efforts under the CO/RO area by systematically organizing and analysing the type of initiatives / projects, budgets, and stakeholders involved. 
    • Lead any necessary scoping interview guide and staff survey design and support interviews and consultations by taking detailed notes. 
    • Support drafting Terms of Reference for evaluations including for the Evaluation Management and Reference Groups. 
  • Inception phase: 
    • Evaluability assessment 
    • Human rights-based stakeholder analysis and visualization 
    • Reconstruction of theory of change and visualization 
    • Development of evaluation matrix 
    • Evaluation data collection tool design (interview and focus group guides, etc.) 
    • Drafting and presentation of inception report PowerPoint presentation. 
    • Drafting inception report, including creating data visualizations, tables and graphs and annexes. 
    • Editing of final inception report including annexes, ensuring all feedback from the ERG and peer reviewers has been integrated and tracked for transparency. 
  • Data collection: 
    • Support interviews and consultations by taking detailed notes. 
    • Lead analyses and support others (in-depth analysis of project or sub-theme selected during inception phase), including systematic document review and triangulation and potentially drafting 2–3-page case study report. 
    • Conduct results mapping and analyses according to Gender@work framework (systematize information reported on results; excel format and visualization) 
    •  Undertake qualitative (using software such as NVivo) and quantitative data analysis (including survey analysis) and produce summary reports. 
    • Create data visualizations, tables, and graphs as necessary. 
  • Reporting phase: 
    • Support drafting and presentation of the Preliminary Findings PowerPoint 
    • Support the drafting of the synthesis evaluation report (provide substantive input to findings, conclusions, and recommendations) and annexes. 
    • Support editing of final report including preparing annexes, ensuring all feedback from the ERG and peer reviewers has been integrated and tracked for transparency. 
  • Other tasks as assigned by the supervisor. 

Full details available on the UN Women website. Application deadline 8 November