Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance

Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance

The Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance (DMPSC) was established on 1 January 2019 to enable the Secretary-General’s management reform of the UN Secretariat. DMSPC is led by an Under-Secretary General and has three main interlinked pillars:

  • The Office of Programme Planning, Finance and Budget (OPPFB) provides strategic policy leadership in all areas of management through a clear, integrated global management strategy and policy framework.
  • The Office of Human Resources (OHR) champions, drives and supports a results-oriented and risk-aware culture of continuous learning and accountability.
  • The Business Transformation and Accountability Division (BTAD) has various functions dedicated to monitoring and strengthening performance and accountability across the Organization.

DMSPC BTAD became UNEG observers at the UNEG AGM 2019, Their observer status was extended by an additional year in 2021 before becoming full UNEG members in 2022.
Evaluation Function Snapshot Independence Agenda Setting & Evaluation Planning Quality Assurance Use of Evaluation Joint Evaluation

Evaluation Function

The Office of the Under-Secretary-General (OUSG) is responsible for DMSPC’s internal departmental evaluations. OUSG is supported in all evaluation matters by the Chief of the Evaluation Section, Business Transformation and Accountability Division (BTAD), as the Department’s main evaluation expert.

The Evaluation Section of BTAD is also responsible for supporting UN Secretariat entities to implement the Administrative Instruction (ST/AI) on Evaluation. Entities receive joint support from OIOS (on evaluation methodology), and BTAD (on evaluation management). BTAD is the secretariat to the Evaluation Management Committee (EMC), a sub-committee of the UN Secretariat’s Management Committee, which provides the Secretary-General with advice and assurance over progress implementing the Evaluation ST/AI.


(as of Sept 2023)


The Office of the USG DMSPC reports directly to the Under Secretary-General as head of department. The department ensures that those conducting evaluations have free access to information, are impartial and free from undue pressure throughout the evaluation process.

Agenda Setting & Evaluation Planning

Evaluations in DMSPC are planned on an annual basis through the programme planning and budgeting process and presented to the General Assembly. 

Quality Assurance

In line with UNEG Standard 5 on Quality, the Chief of the Evaluation Section, BTAD, undertakes evaluation quality control at both the design (terms of reference and inception report) and final (evaluation report) stages of evaluation.

Use of Evaluation

Lessons learned from DMSPC evaluations are incorporated into the Department’s planning process. 

Joint Evaluation

Given DMSPC’s central role in the management architecture of the UN Secretariat, the department sees joint evaluations conducted with our partners as key to generating learning that helps improve the support it provides to the wider Secretariat. 

UNEG Members

Kevin Summersgill

Chief of Service, DMSPC

Sandhiya Pachiappan

Team Assistant, DMSPC

Fact Sheet
