Updated Report likes

Evaluation of the network of inclusive primary schools "Mandela" for children with disabilties



This evaluation will collect information from a sample of primary schools that are part of the Network. Qualitative techniques both collection of information and data analysis will be used. The main purpose of this formative evaluation is to provide inputs that improve the effectiveness and efficiency of this model and to inform the policy making process to convert this model in a sustainable and universal public policy since 2020/2021, framed into the new quinquennial budget of the next Government (2020-2024).

Report Details


  • United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

Report Type

  • Project/Programme


  • Uruguay

Completed Date

  • Jul 2021

Consultant Name

Agency Focal Person

Agency Focal Person Email


  • 1165

URL Views:

  • 0

Joint Evaluation

  • N/A

Pooled Funding Evaluation

  • N/A