The 2022 synthetic report synthesizes key findings from 27 evaluations that were conducted in 2021 and early 2022 across UNESCO’s programme areas. It presents crosscutting findings that emerged consistently across the evaluations, the performance of interventions against OECD DAC criteria, as well as an assessment of the quality of the evaluations. Among other, the synthesis highlights that UNESCO consistently leverages its convening power for collective policy support and influence. It also found that the COVID-19 pandemic conditions accelerated UNESCO’s readiness to support digital transformation for enhancing resilience of education systems, but also highlighted existing digital divides. The report also shows that UNESCO has made strides in reaching marginalized groups, but needs to ensure further efforts for inclusion of persons with disabilities, as well as for more consistently addressing UNESCO Global Priorities in interventions whose focus is not gender or Africa. With regard to the OECD DAC criteria, performance of UNESCO interventions was found strongest on Relevance and Effectiveness but appeared mixed on Coherence and Sustainability. The quality of evaluation reports themselves showed a positive trend towards adherence to UNEG Norms and Standards, but underlines the need for more attention to considerations of Gender Equality and Human Rights.