CTAP is a capacity-building service offered by ITC, since 2002, to trade and investment support institutions (TISIs) and independent trade advisers in developing countries. The service provides training to technical staff of partner TISIs and independent trade advisors who are involved in services for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The CTAP provides participants a combination of training and practical fieldwork on SME diagnostics, strategy development and export.
The general intervention logic (results chain) was that, through a series of workshops and fieldwork assignments, TISI and independent trade advisor (often working as business consultants) would improve their ability to diagnose SME performance, support export, and design customized programmes to facilitate exporting. The evaluation found that the CTAP knowledge is, by and large, appreciated in the field, and deemed innovative and relevant to local SMEs. The programme has achieved some results in terms of building the capacities of individual trade advisors, but limited results in enhancing the capabilities of TISIs. There is little evidence of direct impact on SMEs, although there are some anecdotal stories reported by certified trade advisors.