The International Bureau of Education (IBE) is one of UNESCO's Categroy 1 Institutes which is specialised in the field of curriculum. The evaluation of the implementation of the renewed mandate of the UNESCO_IBE largely confirms that with some strategic, operational and implementation improvements, IBE can be the centre of excellence that it aims to be. IBE, in existence for almost one hundred years, demonstrates clear comparative strengths, but has been less adept at developing a strategic brand to support and to communicate its results in curriculum development. As the world’s only central repository of global curriculum-related documentation and history, IBE is relevant, and vital for curriculum conceptualization and influential in assisting Member States to dialogue on curriculum policy and reforms. Within its renewed mandate, IBE has made substantial progress across its core functions but is not yet fully maximising its potential and capitalizing on all its strengths. IBE’s main successes are in its programming pillars, which still require further balancing and full operational support. IBE’s operational functions, including results-based management, monitoring, and reporting, strategic planning, communications and coordination, human resources and resource mobilization are not yet functioning to full capacity to adequately support its enhanced programming. While IBE’s focus on inclusivity in curriculum development is well-defined and extensively conducted, documented, and reported, the Institute’s approach to gender equality requires strengthening.