The IOMC Toolbox for decision making in chemicals management – Phase III: From design to action project aims to support the implementation of SAICM by enhancing the identification and implementation of guidance materials for chemicals management by developing countries and countries in transition using resources developed by IOMC partner organisations. It also continued to improve the functionalities and broadened the scope and application of the Toolbox as developed in the two previous phases. The project was implemented between December 2017 and October 2022.
The purpose of the final evaluation is to assess the achievement of the project’s planned Phase III results with respect to the project’s relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, likelihood of impact and likelihood of sustainability. It also identifies lessons from project implementation to inform decision-making for Phase IV.
The evaluation followed a participatory and mixed methods approach, including carrying out an after-action-review with participating organisations’ (POs) focal persons, in depth interviews, construction of case studies, an on-line survey, desk review of project documents and using an artificial intelligence chatbot (ChatGPT) as in input into the answers to some of the more general evaluation questions.
The evaluation encountered four limitations, namely; i) the difficulty of providing comprehensive case studies, ii) gaps in institutional memory and other issues with the turnover and transitioning of project personnel, which made it challenging to gather information, iii) misalignment in timing between Phase III evaluation and Phase IV development, and iv) unavailability of final narrative and financial report at the time of the evaluation.