The Norwegian Development Minister (Mr Erik Solheim), in December 2011 in Durban (Conference of the parties (COP) 21), signed a 4-year agreement with WMO named: “Global Framework for Climate Services – Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Africa”, commonly known in WMO as “Norway 1”, based on a proposal from WMO dated 7.11.20112 . The Norwegian allocation was NOK 56,8 mill over the period 2011- 2015. In addition to a global component of institutional support (amongst other to GFCS), the project also involved grassroots activities in 17 West African countries. Planning took place during the period up to December 2013 when a work plan for 2014 was presented, approved by MFA in March 2014. The project has got a no-cost extension and will end in 31 July 2016. In November 2013, Norway signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with GFCS for another project under the GFCS framework, namely the “GFCS Climate Services Adaptation Programme in Africa”, known in WMO as “Norway 2”, with an allocation of NOK 60 mill over a period of three years (2014-2016).