This mid-term evaluation aims to analyse the programme’s progress so far, offering recommendations for managing it better during the remaining years of implementation, with a focus on broader strategic decision- making. The assessment covers activities from the start of the programme in 2014 up to the end of the first quarter of 2018 in March ., It applies the OECD/DAC criteria of relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, likely impact and sustainability, based on the programme’s Theory of Change (TOC), and seeks to emphasise gender and equality aspects. Within a short timeframe, this evaluation has triangulated information and perspectives from numerous programme documents, semi-structured stakeholder interviews, including in person regulator and partner meetings in two countries, and interviews with a few end-clients (“beneficiaries”). This main report is supplemented by country reports for Cambodia and Myanmar, including small case studies of specific project activities. These are appended separately. The target audience for the mid-term evaluation includes the implementer (UNCDF and the SHIFT team), the donors (mainly DFAT), partner governments and agencies, direct stakeholders and a wider audience to which the report will be disseminated.