The International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals was established by the Security Council in its resolution 1966 (2010) to continue the jurisdiction, rights and obligations and carry out the essential functions of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
In the present evaluation report, the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) assessed the relevance, effectiveness and coherence of the outcomes achieved as a result of the Mechanism discharging its residual functions in cooperation with Member States. The evaluation aimed at providing independent evidence regarding
the outcomes of the residual functions to inform the next review of the Mechanism by the Security Council in 2024 and to inform management decisions on programming and implementation. It was conducted using semi-structured interviews, case studies, a survey of third-party stakeholders, direct observation, desk reviews and a literature review
Year Published | |
Type | |
Theme/s | |
Joint | No |
Partner/s | N/A |
SDG/s | |
Focal Point Email | |
Managed by Independent Evaluation Office | Yes |
Geographic Scope | Global |
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