The Second Performance Review of the Green Climate Fund covered the GCF-1 period and sought to inform, among other things, the next update to the strategic plan (USP-2), for the GCF-2 period (2024–2027). The scope of the SPR included (1) evaluating the GCF’s progress in delivering on its mandate as set out in the GI and its strategic and operational priorities and actions as outlined in the USP, and (2) the performance of the GCF in promoting a paradigm shift towards low-emission and climate-resilient development pathways, including the effectiveness and efficiency of the funded activities. The review’s approach paper further clarified key areas for the SPR, including the institutional architecture and performance, translating mandate into policies and priorities, country needs and ownership, access to GCF funds, programming and results.
The review’s key recommendations to the GCF included:
1. The GCF’s strategic plan should clarify the Fund’s strategic positioning, articulate programming and operational priorities, and address long-term and short-term trade-offs. The ambition and strategic direction should align with available resources
2. At the country level, the GCF should clarify its intended approach and possible roles, aligning with the available resources.
3. Review accreditation priorities. Support and explore other access mechanisms beyond accreditation. Build capacities for better access and country-owned FP development and enhance accreditation process efficiency and transparency.
4. Continually improve the efficiency, predictability and relevance of operational systems, ensuring they reflect policy priorities, strategic objectives and climate urgency, especially targeting the delays within the GCF’s control.
5. Pivot from an approval orientation towards one that emphasizes results and learning, with a coherent results architecture for GCF-2.
6. Urgently clarify the GCF’s approach to managing entity and project risks, for funded activities and RPSP grants.
7. Strengthen governance processes to provide more effective and efficient leadership for the Fund.