The Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU) has produced Annual Evaluation Synthesis Reports (AESR) since 2013. Compliant with ITC’s Evaluation Policy, the purpose of the IEU is to contribute to improving the performance and results of ITC in delivering trade-related technical assistance. The 2020 AESR is dedicated to this purpose.
For the 2020 AESR, evaluation reports carried out in 2019 are the main source of information. The scope of the AESR includes Independent Evaluations and reviews conducted by the IEU, self-evaluation carried out by ITC project managers, and external evaluations of ITC operations, commissioned by ITC funders (funder-led evaluations). They include final evaluations and midterm evaluations. The 2020 AESR has also analyzed previous AESRs since 2013. They have been used as a reference to this year’s findings, to validate patterns and to enrich the lessons learned. As in previous years, the report includes messages emerging from Project Completion Reports (PCR).