The evaluation seeks to support both accountability and learning by: (i) assessing the program with regard to the five evaluation criteria of relevance, efficiency, effectiveness (to date), (possible) impact, and (prospects for) sustainability as well as with regard to a number of cross- cutting themes; (ii) identifying strengths and weaknesses of program implementation to date; and (iii) outlining a set of recommendations towards supporting the final years of program implementation and informing the possible extension/scaling-up and/or replication of the program. In line with the holistic approach of the MAFIPP program, the analysis focuses on various levels; namely: (i) MAFIPP supported FSPs as well as DFS providers at micro level; (ii) broader financial inclusion environment (macro, meso and market level); and (iii) clients of MAFIPP supported FSPs. The evaluation process has been structured around a ‘theory of change’ framework and an evaluation matrix. It has involved the elaboration of a data collection toolkit to support the various components of the evaluation; namely: (i) documentary review; (ii) quantitative FSP performance data collection; (iii) interviews with global, macro, meso, market, and micro level stakeholders; and (iv) focus group discussions (FGDs) and structured interviews with clients. Lastly, the evaluation covers the period between June 2010 and December 2015.