This evaluation covers the period 2014-2016 of LoCAL implementation, that is, the first three years of this five-year programme. The review considers the whole geographical spectrum of the programme, including its operations in Asia, the Pacific and Africa, as well as all ongoing phases of implementation, analysing both the global programme level and the country level. This mid-term evaluation is commissioned at an important point in programme implementation and is intended to review initial progress in the different countries in which LoCAL is active. It pays particular attention to the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, likely impact and sustainability of programme performance in the different countries in which LoCAL is currently active. More broadly, the evaluation is commissioned in accordance with UNCDF’s Evaluation Plan 2016-2017 and United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) broader Evaluation Policy (to which UNCDF is party) which sets out a number of guiding principles and key norms for evaluation in the organization. Amongst the norms that the Policy seeks to uphold, the most important are that the evaluation exercise should be independent, credible and able to provide information that is useful and relevant to support evidence-based programme management and broader decision making. In addition, the evaluation follows the Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (GEEW) UNEG’s Handbook.