
The UNEG Decentralized Evaluation Working Group (DEWG) aims to promote peer-to-peer exchange of experiences and lessons learned in managing and strengthening the decentralized evaluation function of their respective members.

History of the group

The group was created in 2015 as a forum among practitioners to share lessons and experience around the conceptualization, establishment, and oversight of decentralized evaluation (DE) functions within UN agencies; and establish an information and knowledge space for open discussions, critical thinking and constructive feedback on DEs.

Achievements to date

The DEWG has been updating the mapping of the key features of DE functions of various UN agencies, funds, programmes. This mapping intends to facilitate learning across UN agencies and contribute to future normative work in this area by UNEG. UNEG Member Agencies did a self-assessment of the current policy and practice of DE in their agency using rubrics.

UNEG publications from the DEWG or related to DE will be forthcoming in early 2025:

  • Mapping of Decentralized Evaluation Functions Across UN Agencies
  • Synthesis of Key Features of DE Functions
  • Common Principles and Standards for DE

Current areas of focus

The DEWG has been working with an expert consultant to finalize the above-mentioned three documents. This work includes:

  • Updating and strengthening the DE mapping and synthesis across UN agencies on various dimensions of the DE function.
  • Interviewing UN agency evaluation heads and regional and country office evaluation staff from respective agencies, focusing on identifying different DE models (regarding structure and process), their pros and cons.
  • Proposing a set of principles, operational standards, and assessment framework for the DE function, drawing on the existing normative framework for evaluation in the UN and the Self-assessment maturity matrix for UN evaluation functions in the 2023 UNEG Guidelines for Professional Peer Reviews.