UNESCO supports the implementation of six Culture Conventions and two Protocols, as well as three Recommendations. To monitor the progress of their implementation, States Parties to five of the six Conventions commit to submitting periodic reports on their national implementation. All UNESCO Member States are required to submit reports on the implementation of three Culture Recommendations, albeit these are not legally binding. The evaluation purpose was to generate findings and recommendations on the effectiveness and efficiency of periodic reporting mechanisms. The evaluation found that periodic reporting requires significant human and financial resources from UNESCO staff and reporting countries. Although reports are unique data sources on the implementation of UNESCO’s normative instruments in culture, the quality of the data contained within them was found to be mixed. Reports are also underutilized by stakeholders both within and outside UNESCO. The evaluation explored the feasibility of harmonizing and streamlining periodic reporting processes and found that all stakeholders see many benefits in embarking on such a process. Any future reform of periodic reporting should be driven by use and less so by process. The success of harmonization will rely on effective communication, collaboration, and adaptation to the unique characteristics of each convention