The CLIMANDES project (Servicios Climáticos con énfasis en los Andes en apoyo a las Decisiones) was launched in 2012 as a pilot project under the umbrella of the WMO-led Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS). CLIMANDES sought to provide user-tailored climate information and services to improve socio-economic benefits for the agricultural sector and society. Twinning between the Peruvian National Meteorological and Hydrological Service (SENAMHI) and MeteoSwiss (its counterpart agency in Switzerland) aimed to enhance SENAMHI’s human and infrastructural capacities required to produce and disseminate climate information. CLIMANDES involved two phases that encompassed the periods 2012-2015 and 2016-2018 (now extended through early 2019), respectively. The Global Program Climate Change and Environment of the Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development (SDC) provided CLIMANDES’ funding (3.175 and 4.5 M CHF for phases 1 and 2).