WIPO Connect is an Information Technology (IT) solution offered by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) that facilitates the management of data and documentation on copyrights and the distribution of royalties. It was initiated in 2015 to succeed the WIPO Copyright Information System (WIPOCos), a previous rights management software developed in 2010 by the IP Office Business Solutions Division (IPOBSD). WIPO Connect system allows CMOs to maintain data and connect to international networks to reach new markets and remunerate foreign rights holders. WIPO has taken the initiative to provide such services as these systems are usually too complex and costly for CMOs to develop for themselves. WIPO Connect Local is the web application used for daily operations and is installed on a local server or hosted in the cloud. WIPO Connect Shared is a fully cloud-based solution that synchronizes WIPO Connect Local implementations and exchanges data with industry data sources. The pre-evaluation review covers an understanding of WIPO Connect, its implementation history and infrastructure, an analysis of how many beneficiary Collective Management Organizations (CMOs) are currently utilizing it, its impact on promoting copyright management and related rights, and the continuity plans.