This is the second country programme evaluation conducted by Independent Office of Evaluation in Ethiopia and it covers eight years of IFAD's operations (2007-2015) in the country. Since 1980, IFAD has provided US$473 million to finance 17 projects with a total cost of more than US$1.2 billion. Over the last few years, IFAD has been one of Ethiopia's major development partners in areas such as small-scale irrigation, rural finance, natural resources management and support to the development of pastoral communities.
Overall, portfolio performance has been satisfactory, with good achievements in human and social capital and good alignment with the Government's decentralization policy. Sustainability, scaling up and gender were also satisfactory.
Areas that need to be improve include policy dialogue and impact on institutions and policies. Weak monitoring and evaluation hinders evidence-based policy engagement. Finally, the CPE found that the country programme spreads too thinly over many thematic areas, and recommended that IFAD should focus on thematic areas where has a comparative advantage, such as small-scale irrigation, rural finance and pastoral community development. The CPE also recommends using a longer-term programmatic approach to lending, based on good experiences in the past, and greater focus on non-lending services.