The evaluation function in the Global Environment Facility (GEF) helps the GEF to become more effective in its pursuit of Global Environmental Benefits (GEBs) and has two overarching objectives:
The peer review of an evaluation function is a mechanism developed by the professional networks of the evaluation functions of the UN and Multilateral Development Banks that intends to identify good practices and opportunities to further strengthen the evaluation function. In 2009 and in 2014, two peer reviews of the GEF evaluation function were carried out and presented to the GEF Council, as independent contributions to the overall assessment of the GEF. Their recommendations and suggestions were discussed and acted upon as deemed appropriate.
In December 2018, the GEF Council endorsed IEO’s proposal that a third Professional Peer Review (PR) be carried out in 2019/2020, following both UNEG and ECG standards. The primary audiences for the Peer Review are the GEF Council, GEF Secretariat, the Independent Evaluation Office and GEF Partnership.