Vacancy Announcement Details

Evaluation Officer P3 (Impact Evaluation)

07 Sep 2023


Our office provides global leadership, standard-setting and oversight of WFP’s entire evaluation function and are accountable for setting and enhancing the framework of norms and standards, accountabilities, and coverage for the different categories of evaluations (centralized, decentralized and impact); as well as maintaining the high quality of WFP’s evaluation function with continued innovation and improvement in evaluation quality and relevance.

WFP is gearing up to play a leadership role in the delivery of operationally relevant and useful impact evaluations that contribute to global evidence. Realizing this ambition requires delivering responsive and adaptive impact evaluations in rapidly evolving contexts. New programmes, technologies and data sources present great opportunities for WFP to harness the full potential of impact evaluation as a tool for learning. Impact evaluations are aligned with corporate evidence priorities through impact evaluation “windows”, which are OEV coordinated portfolios of country-specific impact evaluations. Current windows focus on 1) cash-based transfers and gender equality and women's empowerment (GEWE), 2) climate change and resilience, and 3) school-based programmes, and we are developing a 4th window on nutrition.

Our Impact Evaluation Unit aims to achieve four main objectives: 1) contribute to the evidence base for achieving global goals; 2) deliver operationally relevant and useful Impact Evaluations; 3) maximize Impact Evaluation responsiveness to rapidly evolving contexts; and 4) harness the best tools and technologies for Impact Evaluation.

This position reports to the window coordinator for cash-based transfers and gender and will mainly focus on supporting impact evaluations that are part of the optimizing humanitarian impact evaluation workstream.

KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES (not all-inclusive)

You will be responsible for:

1.    Supporting impact evaluations that are part of OEV’s Optimising Humanitarian Interventions Workstream (cross-cutting with Impact Evaluation Windows) and individual impact evaluations (70%):

•    Respond to demand and assess feasibility to partner with WFP country offices to conduct impact evaluations, while ensuring alignment with ongoing IEs.
•    Make key contributions to the design of impact evaluations. 
•    Help develop and manage (window-level) pre-analysis plans.
•    Manage all elements of IEs, including coordinating across academic partners and COs, undertaking field missions, supervising field coordinators and data collection firms, training enumerators supervising incoming data quality (with assistance from research assistants), analysing data, and contribute to writing impact evaluation reports and (academic) articles for different audiences.
•    Contribute to and oversee analysis and output development for impact evaluations. 
•    Contribute to grant-reporting, internal reporting, budgeting, and fundraising efforts.
•    Keep relevant internal stock-taking and budgetary systems up to date.

2.    Production of additional analytical outputs (20%): 

•    In addition to contributing to final IE reports and academic papers: use impact evaluation or other data to produce insightful analytical outputs of varying length, e.g., diagnostic pieces, descriptive articles, blog posts, etc.

3.    Capacity building & Communications for WFP’s impact evaluations (10%):

•    On-demand technical support to impact evaluation queries from Country Offices and Regional Bureaus. 
•    Build impact evaluation capacity of WFP staff and partners through development and management/oversight of trainings and events. 
•    Support communications and dissemination of impact evaluation results in coordination with OEV’s communications team. 
•    Participate in seminars, conferences, and workshops to field demand for IE, present IE, or other results, engage in active dialogue with academics and practitioners.
•    Support WFP’s efforts to develop a community of practice on IEs in humanitarian contexts.

Full details available on the WFP website. Application deadline 1 October.