Vacancy Announcement Details

Evaluation of Human Resources Management in UNICEF

09 Nov 2023


The purpose of this evaluation is multifaced, and it will serve multiple and complementary objectives. Its primary purpose is to enhance UNICEF’s capacity to fulfil its mission and improve its support for children’s rights and well- being by providing an independent, impartial and credible perspective on HR management. The evaluation will foster organizational learning by providing insights into areas where UNICEF’s HR management can be enhanced and improved and help identify good practices and areas for future growth, leading to ongoing refinement of HR practices in the organization. While contributing to learning and continuous improvement, the evaluation will promote accountability and transparency in HR processes, fostering trust among personnel.

The central question of this evaluation will be the following:

“How effectively does UNICEF’s HR management contribute to the organization’s mission, values, and strategic objectives while ensuring its workforce's well-being, diversity, and inclusivity?”

It is expected that the evaluation will broadly examine HR management systems in their entirety to systematically and objectively assess the extent to which HR policies, processes, practices and behaviours are relevant, coherent,effective, and efficient in enabling our people's performance in service of the organization’s mandate for children.

The more specific objectives of the evaluation are to assess:

  • Relevance and coherence of HR management with UNICEF’s organizational mission: The evaluation will help determine the extent to which UNICEF’s HR management policies, processes and practices alight with the organization’s mission, vision, and UNICEF’s Strategic Plan for 2022-2025, across all contexts, including humanitarian crises and fragile settings.
  • Effectiveness and efficiency of HR processes and systems: The evaluation will assess the effectiveness and efficiency of HR processes and systems. This includes examining how HR practices contribute to the recruitment, performance management, mobility and retention of a skilled workforce. The evaluation will study the new performance management appraisal system and its possible scalability. The evaluation will also examine the efficient allocation of human resources to support emergency responses, including the capacity of the organization to quickly identify, recruit, and deploy qualified personnel to respond to emergencies.
  • Talent management and capacity building: The evaluation will assess UNICEF’s talent management, training, and capacity-building initiatives. It will gauge how well HR supports staff growth and skill development to address evolving challenges in career development.
  • Culture, diversity, inclusion, equity and gender equality: The evaluation will examine UNICEF’s organizational culture and its alignment with its core values and ethical principles. The evaluation will study  the organization’s commitment to diversity, inclusion, equity and gender equality within its workforce. This includes assessing HR strategies, practices and behaviours that promote equal opportunities for all, especially in leadership roles.
  • Staff well-being, occupational safety and health: The evaluation will focus on the safety, security, health and well-being of UNICEF personnel, particularly those working in challenging or high-risk environments. It will assess HR efforts to protect staff and to provide psychosocial support when needed, taking stock of the lessons learned during the recent COVID-19 pandemic. The evaluation will also examine the effectiveness of new working modalities, including the newly created procedure on flexible working arrangements to promote better work-life balance.

Full details available on the UNGM website. Application deadline 30 November.