Vacancy Announcement Details
Consultant Inter-Agency Synthesis Ukraine
24 Sep 2024
OCHA is seeking to recruit an evaluation specialist to undertake the inter-agency synthesis of evaluative evidence on the humanitarian response in Ukraine. The evaluation specialist will be teamed up with a research analysist.
The Inter-Agency Evaluation Humanitarian Steering Group (IAHE SG) – an Inter-Agency Steering Committee (IASC)-associated body, prepared the commission of an IAHE of the humanitarian response in Ukraine, in line with IASC Scale-Up Protocols. However, due to ongoing security risks in a fast-changing context and a high workload for humanitarian actors on the ground, the IAHE SG decided in June 2023 to undertake a synthesis of evidence from agency evaluations of the response to the Ukraine crisis instead. The Synthesis aims to fulfil the learning needs of the collective humanitarian response in Ukraine.
Background: The Synthesis of Evaluative Evidence on Humanitarian Response in Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as “synthesis”) will be carried out under the auspices of the IAHE SG, which is chaired by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and consists of the Evaluation Directors of IASC member organizations. An Inter-Agency Management Group is being set up to manage the synthesis exercise. Members are ICVA/DRC, IFRC, OCHA (Chair), OHCHR, UNHCR and WFP. The objective of the synthesis is to map the existing IASC members’ evaluative evidence on the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, synthesize the evidence according to the criteria and questions outlined in the TOR, and to offer lessons learned and actionable recommendations for improvement of the collective humanitarian response in Ukraine, and for the humanitarian system overall.
Full details available on the UN website. Application deadline 5 October.