2018 UNEG Evaluation Week - Evaluation Practice Exchange


The 2018 Evaluation week convened in Rome between 7th and 11th May and was organized with the support of the Rome-based UNEG member organizations: FAO, IFAD and WFP. There were three components to the UNEG 2018 evaluation week:

The purpose of EPE is to:

  1. Facilitate learning and exchange of experiences amongst UNEG members
  2. Improve the credibility and utility of UN evaluations
  3. Contribute to the advancement of the evaluation function in the UN system.

Please click here to download the Media Kit 2018 EvalWeek

In accordance with the results of the survey conducted following the 2017 Evaluation Week in Vienna, the 2018 EPE focused on specific topics and issues encountered by evaluation professionals on a day-to-day basis. Specifically, three main themes were identified, covering relevant aspects of the work of evaluation professionals. Several topics were discussed under each theme:

1. Managing evaluations:

  1. Quality Assurance beyond the checklist: how can we ensure the reports are evidence-based?
  2. Following up on recommendations: what are the successful practices?
  3. As managers, we also make mistakes: let's share them and learn from them.
  4. How can we ensure a gender focused evaluation?
  5. The role of donors in evaluations: how should we involve them and how to manage expectations?

2. Evaluation principles:

  1. We ask others to demonstrate impact: how can we demonstrate the impact of our evaluations?
  2. Importance of Independence today?
  3. Cost of evaluations: how can we make efforts to rationalize the use of resources in evaluations? And what are the best practices for low-cost evaluations?
  4. Evaluation and hindsight: assessing past interventions against yesterday’s standards or today’s wisdom (e.g. in light of new knowledge on climate change, gender, etc.)
  5. Evaluations and evidence-based decision making in the Era post-truth

3. Evaluation methods:

  1. No baseline: how to measure impact?
  2. Making the best use of Theories of Change in Evaluations
  3. Country Programme Evaluations - methodological challenges
  4. ICT for data analysis in evaluations
  5. Evaluating Policy support

Event Details

Lead Organization


  • Evaluation Practice Exchange Seminar


  • Europe/CIS / Italy

Start Date

  • 08 May 2018

End Date

  • 09 May 2018

All Day Event

  • Yes

Contact Person

  • UNEG Secretariat
  • uneg.contact@undp.org