UNEG Webinar on Remote Sensing
Understanding and responding to crises and rapidly evolving humanitarian situations is of vital importance to mitigate loss of life and reduce suffering. For response teams, access to accurate and timely information is essential. Satellite imagery provides a powerful data source which can be analysed to assess and monitor situations in remote locations. As such analysis can be highly time consuming, fusing these techniques with developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning methods can enable rapid analysis.
In this session, the presenters, Joseph Aylett-Bullock and Edoardo Nemni will provide examples of where satellite image analysis and AI have been used together in a range of humanitarian scenarios including understanding rapid refugee camp growth to better inform aid provision, as well as mapping floods in multiple locations to support response efforts. These works have been conducted through a multi-year collaboration between United Nations Global Pulse and UNOSAT, the UN's Satellite Centre.
After the session, participants will be able to gain insights and assess if satellite remote sensing data and methods can be part of their evaluation toolbox.
Link to Join:
Webinar number: 2313 226 3295
Webinar password: 12uneg (128634 from phones)
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Access code: 231 322 63295
Event Details
Lead Organization
- Evaluation Methodology Working Group
- Evaluation Practice Exchange Seminar
- Global / Global
Start Date
- 09 Feb 2022
End Date
- 09 Feb 2022
Contact Person
- Anupam Anand
- AAnand2@TheGEF.org