The Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) assessed the relevance, effectiveness and coherence of
United Natons partnerships with non-government entities in support of Member State achievement of
climate-focused SDGs. The importance of these partnerships has been regularly reaffirmed by Member
States as a vital modality to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Partnerships have played a positive role in accelerating progress on climate-focused SDGs, including
effectively contributing to the achievement of climate action targets, as well as transferring knowledge
and raising awareness around climate change. There was consensus among stakeholder groups
interviewed and surveyed, including external partners, that climate-focused partnerships were
contributing to positive outcomes particularly with regard to reducing harmful emissions and improving
disaster resilience. Effective transfer of knowledge through partnership work enhanced technical
understanding and strengthened capacities for climate action, while awareness raising on critical climate
issues provided the foundation for further action to reach climate-related goals.
Year Published | |
Type | |
Theme/s | |
Joint | No |
Partner/s | N/A |
SDG/s | |
Focal Point Email | |
Managed by Independent Evaluation Office | Yes |
Geographic Scope | Global |