The SRF, jointly launched on 13 March 2020 by the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Foundation (UNF) and Swiss Philanthropy Foundation (SPF), was created as an innovative resource mobilization mechanism, grounded on solidarity principles, that needed to respond very quickly to the emerging COVID-19 pandemic. It was intended to facilitate direct financial contributions from companies, organizations and individuals to the COVID-19 response efforts of WHO and its partners in alignment with the three pillars of the 2020 WHO Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan (SPRP) for COVID-19. The WHO Evaluation Office and the UNF commissioned, and co-managed, the evaluation. The overarching objective of this formative evaluation, designed to strengthen accountability and learning, was to assess the architecture, functioning and results of the SRF; examining the SRF’s set-up, management, administration and overall functioning in order to assess what has been achieved, how efficiently the SRF has been operating in pursuit of its objectives and to inform the on-going administration of the SRF, and WHO and UNF’s future fundraising efforts, respectively. It documented key achievements, best practices, challenges, gaps and areas for improvement in the set-up and administration of the SRF; assessed key factors responsible for the achievements and gaps; identified key lessons of use by the WHO Foundation (WHOF) and for future similar mechanisms; and, made recommendations for WHO, UNF and partners to consider.
Year Published | |
Joint | Yes |
Partner/s | N/A |
SDG/s | |
Consultant name | |
Agency Focal Point | Alex Ross |
Focal Point Email | |
Managed by Independent Evaluation Office | Yes |