The review is the joint effort by a group of international evaluation experts who, in close collaboration with the evaluation office at WFP, have assessed the strengths and weaknesses of the evaluation function at WFP.
The peer reviews were originally a wish by bilateral donors to rationalise the external evaluations of multilateral organisations by relying more on the multilateral organisations? own evaluations and, by extension, to be assured about the integrity of their evaluations. The larger aim of the review is to stimulate constructive thinking about how to further improve the two main evaluation purposes: learning and accountability.
The purpose of this Professional Peer Review is to provide an independent assessment of the functioning and quality of the WFP evaluation function. It is intended for use by WFP?s leadership, WFP?s Executive Board and the OEDE, as well as the DAC and United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG). The fi ndings of the Professional Peer Review are to be presented to WFP?s Executive Board meeting in February 2008 and will inform further discussions and decisions about the function and administration of OEDE.