Equitable access to learning opportunities is one of UNICEF strategic priorities, described in the organization’s SPs and Education Strategy. Since 2010, UNICEF has been supporting out-of-school children and adolescents through its participation in the Global Initiative for Out-of-School Children (OoSCI). The school closures and the mobility restrictions experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic increased the number of children and adolescents at risk of not returning to school, particularly affecting the most marginalized and vulnerable. The evaluation aims at generating evidence to assess the work done by UNICEF in this area for accountability and learning purposes.
22. More recently, to expand access to learning and skill development opportunities for children and adolescents, the organization is rolling out the Multiple and Flexible Pathways Initiative. This initiative focuses on supporting the most marginalized and vulnerable, including efforts to guide policy reforms and to improve public budgeting and financing strategies to expand access to MFPs to learning and skills development. This initiative is being guided by the 2020 Secondary Education Guidance: Multiple and Flexible Pathway and the 2015 and 2023 OosCI operational manuals. The evaluation will assess prior and ongoing work in this area with a learning and forward-looking purpose.
The overall objective of this evaluation is to assess UNICEF work in support of addressing the issues as they relate to ISCA at risk of dropping out of school and out-of-school children and adolescents (OoSCA). The evaluation aims to evaluate the extent to which UNICEF efforts have made a difference in supporting the school retention and the transition into higher formal education levels of ISCA at risk of dropping out; facilitating the return to formal education of OoSCA; and increasing the access to MFPs to learning and skills development.