At the twenty-fourth meeting of the Board (B.24), the Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU) of the GCF was requested by the Board to conduct an independent assessment of the GCF Simplified Approval Process Pilot Scheme, with the aim of informing the Board on the performance of the SAP, as well as supporting the scheme’s further development:
The purpose of the IEU assessment was to inform and recommend actions for Board and Secretariat consideration in the development of the next phase of the SAP. The assessment brougt to the Board evidence and recommendations on how to simplify the processes to access the GCF. The IEU assessment focused on the following areas (considering the relevant IEU evaluation criteria in each of the areas):
1. Critical assessment of the Secretariat review: The IEU assessment liiked at the extent to which the findings are unbiased, evidence-based, relevant, and sufficient to inform the recommendations. Also, the IEU explained how the Secretariat Review was used in the development of the draft document for further development of the SAP for Board discussion.
2. Implementation of the SAP pilot: The IEU assessment evaluated if the projects approved follow SAP processes and eligibility criteria and satisfied the mandate of the GCF. This related to the efficiency and effectiveness of the SAP pilot and how the scalability criterion was applied.
3. Value-added of SAP: The IEU assessment explored the design and implementation of the SAP pilot and its intent to reduce the time and effort, such as processing time, of a certain type of GCF project. The assessment considered if the SAP process was meeting its objectives and supporting scalable, transformational projects. The assessment also considered if the SAP pilot improved the capacity of AEs (and DAEs in particular) to prepare FPs. Of interest are the SAP pilot’s relevance, country ownership, and innovativeness.
4. Benchmarking the SAP pilot with other similar processes: The assessment compared the GCF’s SAP pilot with other similar fast track, simplified processes used by other comparable organizations. The lessons learned will be considered for incorporating into a future SAP.
5. Learning to improve the GCF project cycle: The assessment determined if any lessons learned from the implementation of the SAP pilot could apply to other GCF projects.