A cluster evaluation of six UNITAR training of trainer (ToT) related projects implemented between 2011 and 2016 was undertaken to assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of programming to strengthen capacities of learning centres in developing countries. The primary purpose of the evaluation was to identify factors contributing to or hindering successful implementation and achievement of results, and to issue recommendations and lessons on how to strengthen capacities of learning centres, including the identification of approaches that work well and the reasons why.
Using a mixed methods approach, the evaluation included an online survey to beneficiaries and key informant interviews and focus groups with UNITAR staff, partners and beneficiaries, along with a theory of change (ToC) reconstruction.
The evaluation had several limitations, such as the absence of or underdeveloped ToC and results frameworks to assess project effectiveness and impact. Assessing efficiency proved difficult as verifiable costs for the ToT-specific elements of the projects were not available. While it was not the evaluation’s intent to undertake a comprehensive evaluation of each project, the cluster nature of the evaluation and the differences in size, scope and purpose of the projects made generalization nevertheless challenging. Finally, at the time of data collection and field work, two of the projects had not yet completed all planned activities, and there was on-going discussion with both projects for either no-cost extensions or subsequent phases.