This independent final evaluation covers the project “Building Capacities of Developing Countries to shift towards Sustainable Freight Transport”. The Project was funded under the United Nations Development Agenda (UNDA) and implemented by UNCTAD between April 2014 and 30 November 2018, including an 11- months extension period without additional budget. The Project worked on sustainable freight transport (SFT), which refers to reliable, efficient, cost-effective, environmentally-friendly, low-carbon, and climate resilient transport systems. SFT incorporates improvements of transport and energy efficiency, accessibility and connectivity, while at the same time minimizing the negative environmental impact of freight transportation and improving social inclusiveness. The concept of SFT reconciles growth imperatives with environmental sustainability and climate friendliness, by mainstreaming sustainability criteria into freight transport planning, policies and decisions. Commissioned by UNCTAD, the Evaluation was conducted by an independent evaluator between November 2018 and 28 February 2019. The evaluation methodology was defined by UNCTAD’s Evaluation Policy and the ToR dated 8 October 2018, which the Evaluator operationalized through an inception report. Accordingly, the Project was assessed against the standard evaluation criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability. Gender, Human Rights and Partnerships were assessed as cross-cutting criteria.