UNCTAD commissioned this final independent project evaluation for the United Nations Development Account (UNDA) funded project 1415M titled “Building Capacities of selected Least Developed Countries (LDCs) to upgrade and diversify their fish exports.” The evaluation will provide accountability to UNCTAD management, the Capacity Development Programme Management Office/Development Account of DESA, project stakeholders, as well as UNCTAD's member States with whom the final evaluation report will be shared. This evaluation aims to provide credible, factual and useful assessments of the project’s performance and propose constructive recommendations to enhance the work of UNCTAD in this area and maximise synergies with other complementing interventions. The evaluation is scheduled at the conclusion of the project and provides a summative assessment against the criteria of: Relevance, Effectiveness, Sustainability, and Efficiency, Gender and Human Rights issues, and Partnerships. The evaluation provides assessments of the project design, project management, implementation and overall project performance.