The overall purpose of the Seventh Comprehensive Evaluation of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) is to provide evaluative evidence to inform the negotiations for the eighth replenishment of the GEF. The report is organized along three themes: what works in the GEF, how things work in the GEF, and why things work in the GEF. The first theme focuses on the performance, results, and impacts of GEF interventions at the overall portfolio level, in countries, and in the GEF focal areas, with a special focus on the factors influencing long-term sustainability.
The second theme on GEF approaches and enablers dives into the mechanisms through which the GEF delivers its interventions, including the Small Grants Programme (SGP), medium-size projects (MSPs), enabling activities, and integrated approaches.
The third theme analyzes the strengths and challenges in the enabling infrastructure that supports GEF interventions through GEF support to innovation and scaling-up; the GEF’s engagement with the private sector; the design and implementation of the GEF’s institutional policies on gender, safeguards, and stakeholder engagement, including with indigenous peoples and civil society; and the management of results and knowledge in the GEF.