The UNEG Working Group on Gender Equality and Human Rights (GE & HR) supports UNEG members to enhance integration of GE & HR in evaluation in accordance with the UNEG Norms and Standards for Evaluation in the UN System, UNEG Guidance on Integrating Human Rights and Gender Equality in Evaluation (2024), and the CEB-endorsed Evaluation Performance Indicator (EPI) of the United Nations System Wide Action Plan for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women (UN-SWAP).
This page houses key information in support of UNEG members for reporting against the UN-SWAP EPI.
UN SWAP EPI - Technical Note, Scorecard & FAQ
The Technical Note and Scorecard were issued and endorsed by UNEG Heads in 2014. These should be followed for reporting against the UN-SWAP EPI. This ensures a minimum level of coherence across UN system agencies for reporting on how gender equality was integrated in evaluation reports.
UN-SWAP EPI - Peer Learning Exchange – Guidance and Lessons learned
In 2015, the UNEG GE & HR Working Group launched a peer learning exchange to facilitate learning from the UN-SWAP EPI reporting process and provide a means for obtaining an external perspective on the extent to which gender equality was integrated in the respective entities’ reports.
Integrating gender equality in evaluation - UN-SWAP EPI Reporting Cycle Trends, Analysis and Good Practices