The Peer Review examined the GEF evaluation function on three core criteria: independence of the GEF-EO and of its evaluation processes, credibility and utility of its evaluations. The purpose of the Professional Peer Review is to provide the GEF Council, the Assembly, the GEF Secretariat and the Evaluation Office with an independent assessment of the functioning of the GEF EO and the quality of its work.
The Review covered:
- The evaluation policy of the GEF and other policies and procedures having a bearing on the GEF EO and its work;
- Structural aspects of how the evaluation function operates in the GEF; The internal organisation of the GEF EO, including budgetary matters; Partnership relations of the EO;
- The quality of the evaluations undertaken and/or (partly) commissioned by the EO; The use of evaluation results and follow-up; and
- Other actions undertaken by the GEF EO such as networking, conferences, website, etc.