In 2023, the GCF’s Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU) undertook the “Independent Evaluation of the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme”. The evaluation assessed RPSP support to GCF eligible recipient countries delivered under the Readiness programme strategy 2019–2021 (hereafter, ‘readiness strategy’) and the GCF Updated Strategic Plan 2020–2023. It examined progress since the IEU’s 2018 RPSP evaluation and looks at the Programme’s relevance, coherence and complementarity, effectiveness, as well as its results measurement and oversight mechanisms while feeding lessons into the preparation of new readiness operations. The evaluation was finalized in October 2023 and presented to the last meeting of the Board of 2023. The evaluation’s key recommendations to the GCF included:
1. The GCF should sharpen its strategic intent and orientation for the RPSP at corporate level. The GCF should rationalize its capacity to resource the Readiness programme.
2. The RPSP should adopt a country-centred approach to its operations.
3. In socializing the RPSP, the GCF should be more intentional and targeted in communicating programmatic offerings and enabling learning.
4. The GCF should invest in solidifying the newly created RRMF as a learning and accountability tool
5. GCF should operationalize the new RPSP strategy in a time-bound and timely manner
6. With a view to enhance the sustainability of RPSP results, the GCF should reach diverse actors and cultivate national climate finance ecosystems.
7. The GCF should increase the overall accessibility and cost-effectiveness of the RPSP, particularly for vulnerable countries, by adjusting its strategic orientation, processes and mechanisms