This multi-country evaluation will focus on UNICEF initiatives implemented to both prevent stunting among children in the West and Central Africa region. (such result is often defined as “Key Result for Children or KRC 2”) and realize the human right to health and to survival and development.
KRC 2 is defined as follows: “By 2021, 80% (74 million) of girls and boys under 5, especially those who are marginalized and those living in humanitarian settings, receive high impact nutrition services to prevent stunting” . This regional result is also closely linked to the achievement of another large-scale one, that of "maintaining the annual reduction in the rate of stunting to achieve in all the countries selected by 2021 the six global nutrition targets. established by the World Health Assembly for 2025”
The Objectives of the evaluation are:
1. To determine the relevance, coherence, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of stunting prevention strategies (KRC2) to contribute to the survival and development of each child;
2. To identify lessons learned about what worked or not during the implementation of the regional strategy and key interventions, including unintended results (positive and negative);
3. To identify good practices in the prevention of stunting and interventions on malnutrition;
4. To make key recommendations on how to improve the implementation processes and performance of the strategy and key interventions as part of a continuous learning process;
5. To determine to what extent the regional strategy and key interventions have integrated equity and gender in their design, implementation and monitoring.
Year Published | |
Type | |
Joint | No |
Partner/s | N/A |
Consultant name | KIT Royal Tropical Institute |
Agency Focal Point | John Ntambi |
Focal Point Email | |
Managed by Independent Evaluation Office | No |
Geographic Scope | Country |
Country/ies |