UNICEF, in its Strategic Plan 2022-2025 and accompanying Theory of Change, seeks to integrate mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) within the theories of change and across results frameworks for Goal Areas 1, 2 and 3. These changes will strengthen MHPSS solutions across the organization, while leveraging existing sectoral system strengthening, coordination and delivery mechanisms where UNICEF has experience and credibility. To better prepare for and position future evaluative work of UNICEF’s work in MHPSS, the Evaluation Office launched an exercise to examine and document the status of UNICEF’s MHPSS programming (‘evaluative baseline’) and to prepare a long-term evaluation plan.
The intent of evaluative baseline, covering the strategy cycle 2018-2021, is to provide a retrospective assessment of UNICEF’s work in MHPSS including trends and changes over the period. The baseline will help to guide future evaluation work and provide insights that might also inform programming. Areas of interest include strategies, programmes, investments and implementing modalities. The baseline will include information of two types: 1) a portfolio approach relying on information in corporate systems that is, generally, available across organizational units and 2) light touch profiles in 19 countries to complement the above.
The intent of evaluative plan is to help UNICEF establish a road map with timing and priorities for evaluating its MHPSS programming over the period 2022 through 2029. Areas of interest for the evaluation plan include a focus on evaluation design, consideration for multiple evaluative exercises, timing for any such evaluations; key evaluation question areas; evaluation methods; as well as inputs (resources and expertise) needed for an evaluation.
Year Published | |
Type | |
Joint | No |
Partner/s | N/A |
Consultant name | Arkadii Toritsyn,Timothy Williams, Mariel Kislig, Eduard Bonet, Beth Plowman |
Agency Focal Point | Eduard Bonet Porqueras |
Focal Point Email | ebonet@unicef.org |
Managed by Independent Evaluation Office | No |
Geographic Scope | Country |
Country/ies |