Jaleshwor municipality of Mahottari district is one of the floods prone Palikas of Madhesh Pradesh province having been adversely affected socio-economically by the Covid-19 pandemic in recent times. Based on initial Shock Responsive Social Protection Survey (2019/20), there were 8,764 HHs in the Jaleshwor Municipality of which 5,214 HHs were identified as most vulnerable in terms of socio-economic activities. During Covid-19 pandemic almost all vulnerable HHs have lost their livelihood and were searching for alternate source of income generation. More than 1,500 people, were reported to be directly infected by Covid-19 infections during the pandemic, though the fatalities are less in comparison to other urban area of the Madhesh Pradesh. Therefore, the Jaleshwor Palika was selected as a pilot site due to its vulnerability to floods, the severe impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, and its susceptibility to cold waves during the winter. For this pilot 1,900 most vulnerable households were identified using three criteria (landless, daily wagers and families with a person with disabilities). This pilot is also part of the UNICEF’s OoI larger explorations into the value that blockchain could bring to Cash Transfer Programming. While there has been global interest in the recent past about the application of blockchain technology to bring in improved efficiencies, reduced costs and most importantly transparency and accountability, there is limited evidence to date of how effective such an approach is and what concrete steps can be taken to scale solutions such as Rahat. The purpose of the evaluation is to gather valuable insights into the lessons learned on how a blockchain-based approach compares to traditional cash transfer paradigms in terms of cost and time saved, implementation learnings, and provide practical recommendations that is needed to inform other pilots and scale this approach to enhancing shock responsive cash transfer and social protection schemes.
Year Published | |
Type | |
Joint | No |
Partner/s | N/A |
Consultant name | Progress Inc. |
Agency Focal Point | Thakur Dhakal |
Focal Point Email | tdhakal@unicef.org |
Managed by Independent Evaluation Office | No |
Geographic Scope | Country |
Country/ies |