Nutritional Improvements through Cash and Health Education (NICHE) II programme as a multi-sectoral and integrated approach to reduce poverty and vulnerabilities in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) framework. The programme targets strengthening the capacity of government at the national and county levels to implement complex social assistance schemes sensitive to nutrition and child protection outcomes through three main components of a cash top-up, nutrition interventions, and child protection.
The cash transfer component complements existing National SNSNP cash transfer programmes in the country. The cash top-up of Ksh 500 to a maximum of Ksh 1000 per month is paid bi-monthly together with the main NSNP cash transfer to households with pregnant woman or women with a child under the age of two. The nutrition component of counselling and home visits is implemented through the Baby Friendly Community Initiative (BFCI) which is a broader community initiative to improve infant and young child feeding (IYCF). Lastly, the positive parenting under child protection as an additional component is piloted in Kilifi County to draw on challenges or success factors for replication and expansion.
This evaluation thus aims to assess the implementation process and document progress, lessons learnt and challenges to inform the subsequent phase of the NICHE programme. NICHE II, started in November 2019, is at an important phase of determining directions for scalability to additional counties in 2024/2025. The evaluation will focus on - i) determining lessons and direction for scalability of next phase; ii) drawing lessons from the positive parenting programme pilot in Kilifi, especially the integration of the child protection component with the other components of NICHE; and iii) assess the costs of rNICHE to inform sustainability and efficiency concerns related to implementation of the programme.
Year Published | |
Type | |
Joint | No |
Partner/s | N/A |
Consultant name | |
Agency Focal Point | Kinlay Penjor |
Focal Point Email | |
Managed by Independent Evaluation Office | No |
Geographic Scope | Country |
Country/ies |