The evaluation was forward-looking and strategic in nature. Its purpose was to assess UNFPA support to strengthening national capacity for the production and dissemination of disaggregated, quality data and its use in evidence-based decision-making and policy formulation over the period of the 2010 World Population and Housing Census (the “2010 census round”). The results of the evaluation have informed the midterm review of the UNFPA 2014-2017 Strategic Plan and the UNFPA strategy for the 2020 census round.
The evaluation's primary objectives were:
1. To assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of the UNFPA support to the 2010 round of population and housing censuses.
2. To assess the extent to which census data are disseminated and used, to contribute to policies, development plans and programmes in relation to population dynamics, reproductive health and rights, youth, and gender equality issues.
3. To identify lessons learned, capture good practices, and generate knowledge tto inform the midterm review of the UNFPA 2014–2017 Strategic Plan and support for the 2020 census round and post-2015 development agenda on data for development.