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Meaningful youth engagement in evaluation: Multiplying the transformative power of evaluation, Lessons from UNFPA experience



In 2021-2022, the UNFPA Evaluation Office pioneered a new approach to youth engagement in the formative evaluation of UNFPA support to adolescents and youth. A diverse group of young people engaged in the evaluation as contributors, evaluators, and key informants, as well as co-managers and co-decision makers—a new initiative within the United Nations system. A first-of-its-kind Youth Steering Committee co-managed the evaluation in collaboration with senior professionals at the Evaluation Office. The EvalYouth Global Network partnered with the Evaluation Office to identify young professionals for the Youth Steering Committee, as well as evaluators for the country case studies. The lessons from this innovative and inclusive engagement of young people are documented in a publication and an accompanying short film.

Report Details


  • United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

Report Type

  • Other


  • Global

Completed Date

  • Nov 2023

Consultant Name

  • -

Agency Focal Person

  • Karen Cadondon

Agency Focal Person Email

  • cadondon@unfpa.org


  • 505

URL Views:

  • 0

Joint Evaluation

  • No

Pooled Funding Evaluation

  • N/A